Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This young man Looking for Dinosaurs Around the World

Documentary filmmakers from Missouri, United States seeking financial help from investors to finance an expedition in Africa. This young man wanted to document the flora and fauna that has never been found. Expedition leader, Stephen McCullah was hoping to meet a dinosaur alive.

McCullah will explore the Congo, Africa. This place was chosen as the home of ancient creatures like dinosaurs, Mokele-mbèmbé. Reptile with a length of 11 meters has gray skin and long, flexible neck. Local residents believe the animals live in caves around the river. These wild animals can prey on elephants, hippos, and crocodiles.

McCullah asked for a donation of U.S. $ 27 thousand through page. These funds will be used as travel expenses Newmac Expedition.

"We did not expect to find direct evidence of Mokele-mbèmbé concrete form in the first expedition. But, we hope that during the first three months there is evidence to indicate its presence if there is life, "explained McCullah as quoted from the pages of Life's Little Mysteries.

McCullah had learned how to catch a giant beast alive.

"We will bring a tranquilizer gun. But, there are many factors that must be anticipated if an animal like Mokele-mbèmbé can not be attenuated by the anesthetic," he added.

The leader of this expedition will use a variety of advanced technology to help track the whereabouts of these ancient animals.

"We will use satellite imagery, the camera recorder trace, thermal cameras to track animals, and sonar to search the murky waters," says McCullah.

Request funds in Kickstarter have reached U.S. $ 16.146. This project will occur when the costs have been achieved on May 11.

1 comment:

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