Game engine Frostbite 2, which
has been used for the popular game Battlefield 3 and support the game Medal of
Honor: Warfighter, originally designed for new generation consoles (PS4 and Xbox
Speaking with Gamasutra, Executive Vice President of Electronic Arts (EA) DICE, Patrick Soderlund said the Frostbite game engine to deliver a successful 2 Battlefield 3 as the best game that was designed for next generation consoles. "Yes, I am honest with you, Frostbite 2 is built for next-generation consoles. That's how we started," he said.
Speaking with Gamasutra, Executive Vice President of Electronic Arts (EA) DICE, Patrick Soderlund said the Frostbite game engine to deliver a successful 2 Battlefield 3 as the best game that was designed for next generation consoles. "Yes, I am honest with you, Frostbite 2 is built for next-generation consoles. That's how we started," he said.
Reported by Softpedia
on Wednesday (6/20/2012), Patrick said the team should
pay attention to it and build something that is measured (scale), "This
does not mean, that what you see in Battlefield 3 is
an end," added Patrick who is now responsible
for the development of racing games andshooter, who also
previously served as the leader of DICE.
"That was the beginning, the point where we started and then we'll move forward. We have a technology base that makes me believe, what our position is going to happen in the future," he said.
"That was the beginning, the point where we started and then we'll move forward. We have a technology base that makes me believe, what our position is going to happen in the future," he said.
Apparently, Frostbite 2 will further give
the game an impressive display from a technical standpoint. The developers DICE,
making sure that the game engine that will be oriented towards performance rather
than simple gameplay.
From Wikipedia, the Frostbite Engine is enjin contained on a game developed by EA Digital Illusions CE (DICE), which is famous for its Battlefield series. Game developer that has stood since 1992 it has used enjin to create their own games such as Battlefield: Bad Company, Battlefield 1943 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
From Wikipedia, the Frostbite Engine is enjin contained on a game developed by EA Digital Illusions CE (DICE), which is famous for its Battlefield series. Game developer that has stood since 1992 it has used enjin to create their own games such as Battlefield: Bad Company, Battlefield 1943 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
Frostbite Version 1.5 also used for the
multiplayer component of the Medal of Honor. Meanwhile, Frostbite 2.0 is used for
Battlefield 3, Need for Speed : The Run and Command
& Conquer: Generals 2.
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